Thursday, May 20, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback

I know I am no longer a regular at the Friday Photo Flashback party (because I am a slacker), but all the talk of scrapbooking combined with Charming's return from the dorms had me going through some old pictures (in boxes in the room that is now Charming's) and I thought you'd get a kick out this/these. all know me? Right? This picture is me, as the Grant High School Mascot, ca. 1965-66...I was two or three. Cute, eh?
Well. Have you met my family of origin? This is my mom and my birth father on the day of their wedding. He was a Calculus teacher and she was his student. (It is very Lolita, isn't it? hey, it was the 60s.) I believe this picture was taken at the minister's home. (This was Sep. 1962, I think...)
Oh, and here are my mom's mom, dad, and brother. I never knew my grandfather (he was in his 50s when my mom was born), but he was a movie star in the silent film era who lost his fortune in the Great Depression. Isn't that cool? (Not the losing the fortune part...the silent-movie star part-you can go here to read about him.) My grandmother (who was his fourth wife - isn't that very Hollywood?) was from a wealthy NY family (Social Register wealthy), but she was disowned when she ran away to Hollywood in the 20s...isn't that something out of a book? I don' really know my uncle well, either...after my grandfather passed away, my uncle and my grandmother were apparently on the run/underground for years and years because they were involved with some unsavory stuff (don't is all very real-life-is-stranger-than-fiction). When I finally met them both, my grandmother had suffered numerous strokes and was in a nursing home and not, well, herself.

And this is my birth father's mom and dad after they returned from their honeymoon. Isn't it the sweetest photo? Look at how happy they are with each other? Doesn't looking at it make you want to smile yourself? He was an English teacher and she was his wife and together they raised two children and they stayed happily married forever. I never knew my grandfather and I only met my grandmother when I was 24. She, however, was an amazing correspondent who wrote me letters regularly and never forgot my birthday, my special occasions, or Christmas.

So, there you have family tour. Thanks for following along. Weren't those photos fun? Head over to Alicia's to see what everyone else dug up this week.


  1. Wow!!!!! That is totally HOLLYWOOD!! And it sounds so mysterious too!!!!!! I bet someone could write a great book about your family! I'm intrigued, that's for sure!!!!

  2. I hope this isn't a duplicate comment. I added my comment and got a problem page so I'm back to leave another one.

    I loved reading your post. First of all, you were adorable!

    How interesting about your family of origin. I checked out the link. I think I saw "The Young Philadelphians" years ago. How cool about the movie star thing but not losing his fortune.

    I hope you join in next week for Friday Photo Flashback. I look forward to seeing more of your interesting photos.


  3. Yes, my dear you were a little cutie! I like the new backgrounds on the blog!

  4. Cute pictures! I love the older pictures! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a great weekend!

  5. Oh wow, you have quite a family history there. Sounds like a good research project in itself, :)

  6. First of all...what a cute mascot you were! And next...I love all the old family photos you have shared and the stories! Wow! I agree... that is very cool about your grandfather being a movie star. I will be back to check out the link about him. It is after 1am, but just wanted to stop by and say hello and thankyou for stopping by....

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (oh also, I noticed your comment on Debbie's post that you graduated in too :o) and I have also never been to one of my high school reunions. I would love to though.

  7. Oh! what an interesting post. I enjoyed reading it.

  8. Wow, your grandfather was in lots of movies! I love old pictures and will have to dig some of mine up to share.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!