Friday, May 7, 2010

Fertilizer Friday

After many delays (some real and some imagined) I'm ready to re- join in Tootsie's Fertilizer Friday's again this year. Despite horrendous winds that caused a lot of damage the past few weeks and the always-at-the-end-of-the-season late freeze, signs of spring are abounding in my yard. So many things are coming up, it was hard to narrow it down. Don't you love that feeling?

The winds trashed my awesome Tulips and Daffodils, but the late-blooming ones are saving the day and keeping things cheerful. The fruit trees are starting to blossom, the other trees are getting their leaves, and even my baby Magnolia is showing good signs of life.
Trashed tulips, still bravely adding color to the yard:

Late bloomers: shouldn't every garden have some?

Another cluster of late bloomers, because I think they're so pretty!

The Maple tree has some gorgeous little leaves. I'm hoping since we got rid of the evergreen that was wrapped around this tree when we moved in, that this little guy will thrive this year. Someone had to go, so I picked the evergreen.

The Magnolia I planted last year survived the winter (yippee!) and seems to have survived the winds...looks like some flowers might be on the way. (The wind tore the first batch right off the tree.) :
Finally, the Apple tree has a two sections with blossoms already!

Now, if I can just figure out how to keep the dog and birds from getting to the apples before I do!

So, there you have enthusiastic entry for Fertilizer Friday. How could I not be cheerful when I see all this new life around me. It is inspiring, I tell you! So, visit the other gardens and share in the joy that is spring. It will definitely put a smile on your face!
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  1. Your flowers are beautiful.
    Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

    PS: Tulips are among my favorites...

  2. Hi, Thank you for visiting my blog today!The lasagna gardening is so easy! I'd go for it with the compost! The author of "Lasagna Gardening" says you can build a bed and plant immediately, so the almost done, compost should be fine! Your pictures are beautiful!
    I am your newest follower!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Yay your plants fought the wind and won! LOL

  4. Everything looks great, Erin! Your tulips are so pretty!

  5. Great garden, it looks a though everything is coming along nicely. Love the magnolia, I have tried twice to get one started in my yard, no luck yet, but I will try again. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, I know what you mean about the hosta! Aren't they just the best? Stop by anytime.

  6. Your yard is really pretty. The tulips are beautiful!
    Blessings, Beth

  7. oh Erin...the tulips are so gorgeous! Your spring is coming along nicely...
    I am so glad you have joined in on FF this week...thank you. I hope you will share with my meme again soon!
    Spring is finally showing herself here and I get to start hardening off my flowers this soon I will have something growing outside too!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!