Friday, April 2, 2010

Fertilizer Friday - Springing up!

Fertilizer Friday...According to Tootsie, "Fertilizer Friday is the day when gardeners from all over the world join in and share the blooms of their labors!" Let me tell you, some of these gardens are amazing!

It is springing up all over the place in my neck of the woods (don't let the April 1 snow fool you!). I'm still working hard on my greenhouse babies, but I couldn't resist showing you these pretty harbingers of Spring.
After five winters in a part of the country that actually has four seasons, I'm learning to love the tiny crocus. It is the first flower of Spring and as soon as I see them poking up, my heart gets just a little lighter. Like other bulbs, these multiply each year, so the few little bulbs I planted when we first moved here are creating a colorful show these days. We have lots of yellow, a little of that purple, and even a few white.

So, while my tulips and daffodils have only sent up green leaves, these pretty winter babies are already brightening my days with signs of things to come. How happy is that?


  1. Happy Spring and Happy Easter to you.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comments.

  2. Crocus are the first smiles of them! Yours are very happy :)
    Happy Easter!

  3. So pretty. A happy flower, for sure.

  4. Anything growing in the garden is exciting, but isn't it especially exciting to see flowers blooming, after a long boring winter?

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Purple and yellow...a sure sign of spring.


  6. Our Spring is running about 3 weeks behind here. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog. I enjoyed your crocus - that's one plant I've never had. I'll have to try them sometime! I just can't get excited enough in the Fall to plant! PAM

  7. Crocus are always such a welcoming site after a long,hard winter.You plant them, and year after year they muliply!! Yours look Lovely!
    Happy Easter!

  8. This was my first year growing Crocus and I couldn't believe how exciting it was to see them blooming so early. Your pictures of yours are so pretty. It looks nice and sunny in the pictures.

  9. The crocus are beautiful! Isn't it fun to watch them multiply year after year? The squirrels move mine around so they pop up in unexpected places now and then. Just makes it more fun to find them where we least expect them! :) ~~Rhonda

  10. well if your photos don't scream spring I don't know what does! I love it! thanks for linking in this week...sorry it took so long for me to get here!


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