Saturday, March 13, 2010


Last night the kids and I sat together and watched the live-action version of Speed Racer. I know it is cheesey, but I really enjoy these movies that are just like the cartoons that inspired them. I'm not looking for world changing...I'm just looking to have fun with my kids.

Anyway, I pointed out that Trixie is played by the same girl who plays Wednesday in The Addams Family: Christina Ricci. After ooh-ing and aah-ing that they'd known she looked familiar, Buttercup asked how old the actress was when she filmed this movie. I responded that I thought Christina Ricci was about 30 or so. She paused and responded with, "Wow, those make-up artists did a good job." Really? "Yeah, you can't even tell she's so old...she looks young!" Um, okay.


  1. Ouch! Pull the knife out, pull the knife out! : ) Buttercup calls it as she sees it.

  2. Wow that brings back some memories -- I enjoyed Trixie and the Addams Family...

  3. Ahhh "out of the mouths of babes" huh? Can you even believe that Christina Ricci is 30? Perhaps Buttercup is right. We are OLD.

  4. LOL!! When I was in my early 20's, I thought people in their 30's were old!!


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