Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback!

How does this happen? I think I'm doing well, have things in order, and then I realize I'm a day behind. Sigh. Anyway, it is still Friday, so I'm doing my Friday Photo Flashback and that is that! Alicia at More Than Words is the lovely host of this meme and, with her encouragement, many of us are digging through the archives of our lives to revisit times long past.

As February is "Boy Birthday Month", I've spent the past month sharing pictures of them. Well, March is the girl's birthday month, so I'm going to share some pictures of my Princess Buttercup. This week? Proof positive that she is a water baby.

Clothes? Oh, they don't get in the way. Oh, and that was my shower the little sprite snuck into!
Getting Daddy in the bath fully clothed? Way too much fun! He knows good tricks! Look at Valiant...doesn't it look like he's saying, "What is up with this?"

Buttercup, however, thought the shooting water trick was way cool!

P.S. As to why Superman is in the bathtub fully dressed, I can't remember. He was a very fun daddy when the kids were little and this kind of behavior was pretty typical.


  1. Those are the best pictures. I'd be thinking the same thing as Valient...too cute.

  2. Aww! How cute, and how fun of Superman!!! I bet the kids got a total kick out of that!!

  3. Your pictures brought a smile to my face! Very cute pictures! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Have a great weekend!

  4. That is so funny!!! You must be such fun parents!

  5. Love your photos! What a precious (and fully clothed) little water baby! haha And like daddy, with all his clothes on in the other photo.
    That water fountain is a cool trick!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (tryingto catch up on blog reading finally! Thank you soooo much for stopping and commenting at mine. I'm glad that you like the drawings that I do...I truly lvoe doing them.)

  6. Cute post --- and yes what a fun silly daddy! And fully dressed shower baby -- too cute!

  7. haha! That looks like the world's coolest bath time. You really captured such great shots.

  8. That does look like a lot of fun. At least your little water baby gets clean not dirty!

  9. Oh, these are the most fun pictures! What a great Daddy! Your kids must have lots of fun memories! I also liked the photo of you and Prince Charming's 19th birthday. Very sweet!

    So nice stopping by!
    Kindly, ldh

  10. That is so sweet!!!! Loved the pictures!

  11. Oh! I had to come back to I am catching upon my blog reading, I came across your comment on Misti Strain's blog where you said something like "...OMG! I graduated HS in '81!..." Me too :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!


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