Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback (Okay, not really)

Does it count as a flashback if it was from Thursday? No, I didn't think so, but I wanted to share some pictures from Buttercup's little birthday celebration, so I will!

She didn't want a cake, so this is our not-really-a-cake cake including the silly bear candle holders Aunt Katie sent.

This is my girl with her best friends from the neighborhood, M and L...aren't they all just the cutest?

So, I know I cheated, but hey, I can do that! Head over to More Than Words so see what everyone else came up with for this week's Friday Photo Flashback. I can assure you than most people went a little farther back than Thursday!


  1. Great cake idea...Isn't nontraditional so fun and sometimes a challenge to figure out something cool!

  2. That is my idea of a cake! Love the donut holes!

  3. Oh my gosh, those all look so yummy!!!!!

    And yes, they are all so cute!!

    I'm sure she had a great birthday!!

  4. How cute is that cake!! Looks like you have some happy kids there!

  5. haha! Hey, I think that it's still a flashback since it was from the past....even if that past was not from way, way back.

    Great idea...a cake and donuts! I love Krispy Kreme donuts best. Happy belated birthday!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (I have been out of town so am just now catching up on blog reading! Yay for a mid week day off! have to catch up on housecleaning and drawing orders too...If you get a chance, do come by :o)


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