Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shoot Me: 6 of 52

Carin at Forever Blue Jeans has started a movement to get those of us always behind the camera to actually show up in the pictures. "Shoot Me" is her way of doing that. Since the history of my family definitely seems to be absent a mother and a wife, I thought I'd use this challenge to provide proof to future generations that I did, in fact, exist!
This picture? I was sitting in front of the computer in the Macaroni & Cheese room (aka our family room) with Valiant and Buttercup and said, "Hey, Buttercup, come help me with my Shoot Me! picture this week." She's all bright and shiny after an evening bath (isn't she a cutie?) and me, well, I had a low-key day today...fighting a fever and a scratchy throat, but I did shower and get dressed. There you have it. Buttercup and me on a "just hanging around" kind of evening! (Look at that gorgeous girl--that skin is to die for!)

To see how others got themselves in the picture, head over to Forever in Blue Jeans and look around. Some of these bloggers are amazing photographers.


  1. So cute! I could just take in my kids' smells after a bath - there's nothing like it. Thanks for all your encouragement with this snow doesn't feel like it will ever melt but I know it eventually will.

  2. YOu both look wonderful! really Love the spontanity of this picture. so fresh and lovely.

    Dani Joy

  3. Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.
    Hugs, andrea

  4. What a cute picture of the two of you!!! I love it when my kids are fresh out of the shower too!

  5. Looks like her mommy your little one.

  6. Sorry you are not feeling well but thanks for stopping by. It is a great picture of you even though you are under the weather. You both have such beautiful brwon eyes.

  7. Hope you feel better! You both look beautiful!

  8. That is a really cute picture! Hope you feel better!

  9. Just hanging around days are the best.... hard to do sometimes but the best!

  10. Well mommy it looks like she got her skin from you! You both have such beautiful complexions! Sweet picture.

  11. The Mac & Cheese room, how fun is that! This is a great picture of you both, yes, she has nice skin... and so do YOU! Isn't it great after bathtime, they smell so good and mine might even cuddle for a micro second. I do hope you're feeling better soon, it's hard to keep everything running when you feel crummy. Get some rest if you can.

  12. You both look fresh and lovely, but yes, she's a vibrant beauty! I can tell you're related, too!

  13. Fun photo of the two of you...

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (thank you again for stopping by...come back any time :o)

  14. Sorry I was on vacation and just now getting around to last weeks challenge pictures.

    Great picture. You two are very cute!


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