Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback

Friday again...pulling out photos from the pre-digital camera days and spending a time thinking about things long since past. This is the meme that Alicia at More Than Words has started and I don't see myself quitting it any time soon. Head over to Alicia's to see what everyone else managed to won't be disappointed.

This week I found some pictures that I've always thought were "horrible" pictures, but I guess enough time has passed that I can view them for more than how I look in them.

The first one is me trailing behind Charming when he was three and 4 months and running in the kids' race at the Bastille Days 5K in Orange County, CA. I've always shared a similar shot with Superman running behind Charming at a race, but never showed this one because it was "horrible". Those days were tough in so many ways. I had just started running and we had no money for real shoes, real clothes, anything- coming up with the $10 to enter the 5K was a struggle...the huge t-shirt was one I'd worn when I was pregnant. I've always looked back at this picture and thought about being embarrassed, but you know what? I love it. Look at my little boy, running his little heart and so proud of himself. How could I not love this picture?

It was only the beginning...

2 years later, the family headed off to Derby Days 5K at the Santa Anita Raceway. Valiant was 6 weeks old and I was walking the 5K and the plan was for Charming to run the 1 mile kids' race. That is not how it turned out, however. Instead, Charming took off at a run when the 5K started and I shouted at Superman to follow him. Poor Superman! Charming ran the entire 3.2 miles! Oh, it was so funny!

As I look at the last picture, I'm also reminded of how hard Superman worked to restore that little car for me. Smog laws were so tough then and we couldn't find parts for it in the pre-internet days. Not long after this photo, we had to sell the car he'd so lovingly restore for me. I still smile when I think of was truly a gift of love.

So, there you go, my little trip down Memory Lane this week. I hope you enjoyed it because I know I had fun sharing the pictures with you.


  1. Oh was cute pictures! They are perfect. And what a great thing to do with you kiddos. Love the look of your blog. Have a great weekend!

  2. You know what, I absolutely love this. I never want my picture taken and yet, I know someday I'll regret it and have been getting a bit braver. I LOVE your trip down memory lane and I'm glad I got to go, too! Have a good weekend ~ ♥

  3. Totally enjoyed it...what a story two small pictures invoked for you. At the time we think we are embarrassed by pictures, but as the years go by we realize they are a part of our story and make us the people we are today. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Aww!! The first picture is so sweet! I love how just one picture can bring back so many memories with it!!!

    And look at your little baby in the 2nd one!! You look good!!!

  5. Our story is our story --- pictures help us remember!

  6. Very sweet -

    Love to you

  7. its so great that you took the time to take your family to those races! lots of memories!

  8. I totally understand about pictures! I would much, much rather be behind the camera doing the picture taking! But definitely worth it, so that your little ones will be able to look back and see mom right there...beside or behind them, supporting them through accomplishments such as this!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (I came across a photo of my hubby carrying our older daughter (5 yrs old at the time) after her first race...and poor thing, she had tennis shoes, but they were inexpensive and very heavy! She was tuckered out!)


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