Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Photo Flashback

It is that time again: Friday Photo Flashback time. It is time for me to pull something out of our pre-digital (or at least really, really old) files and share a flashback photo with you. This walk down Memory Lane is the brilliant idea of Alicia at More Than Words and I've been having a terrific time revisiting the past. Don't forget to check in to see what the rest of the gang has come up with...their memories might take you back, too.

The picture I've picked to share this week dates back to Halloween 1994. Charming was 3 1/2 and I made his costume. Following in the family business, Charming wanted to be a superhero. He wanted to be Superman. Okay. I can do that. Tights, a leotard, red briefs, a homemade cape and, of course, the "S" made out of felt. He was, as you can see, adorable. The funniest part of this costume was the the concern Charming had while we were making it. He had a long conversation with the lady at the store where we sourced the tights and leotard about how he needed "boy tights". I remember frantically signaling behind him to get her to agree that these were, in fact, boy tights. (She almost didn't!) Once assured that his leotard and tights were "boy" tights, he allowed himself to have a blast.

This picture was taken at a neighbor's house...she was just so tickled at how much fun he was having. I know the boy still doesn't believe it, but he, too, will be a is obviously in his genes!

What do you think? Pretty darned adorable, wasn't he?


  1. Oh my gosh, my boys would have lived in that!

    He is adorable, Erin!! He looks just like you!

  2. What an adorable kid! His lips are as red as his cape

  3. I just ran into this Flashback picture thing and your picture is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  4. He is such a cutie! Thanks for dropping by Erin. I sent your message to Arlene.

    I am your new follower now.

  5. Of course those are boy tights. They are blue. What was wrong with that crazy woman. Everyone knows boys wear blue, girls wear pink.

  6. What a cute costume!!! My mom use to make my costumes sometimes and they were awesome.

  7. Little boys invincibility is a special thing that disappears far too quickly.


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