Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Peanuts? Peanuts!

In case you hadn't guessed already, our Christmas Party is like Game Night on steroids. We still keep it casual and inviting and easy. Through trial and error, I've discovered that the men really love to have peanuts in the shell for Game Night. My problem for the Christmas Party? How to have those peanuts available, but make them festive.

I think my solution was inspired, don't you? (Excuse the fingerprints...people had already been in it by the time I snapped the picture.)


  1. what a great idea! you so talantful (said in a redneckaliscious voice)

  2. Oh I am SOOO stealing this idea for our family Christmas party next weekend. We have about 20 people coming and that is so cute. I am so going to go out at lunch time and get what I need to have this on hand for munchies. Like the reindeer ideas as well. Keep 'em coming. Our house got Christmas again this year and I am so excited, despite the crazy remoldel, which means I can use all the help I can get. LOL


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