Tuesday, December 1, 2009

30 Day Shred Challenge - Day 16 (Did you think I forgot? Edition)

I didn't forget, I promise! We had a power outage right at dinner time and posting took a back seat to panicking over bread rising with no oven to put it into and worrying about what we'd do if the power didn't come back on. (Hey, nights under 30 degrees means you care about your heater!)

Anyway, today was Day 16 of this 30 Day Shred Challenge! Day 16! Can you believe it? I am so proud of myself and my family. Valiant has kept right up with me, Buttercup has just finished her first day of Level 2 (so Day 11) and even Superman has already completed his Day 5. I can't tell you how much it makes me smile to see my family trying to get fit right along with me.

You might have noticed that I haven't mentioned weight or dieting at all during this challenge and that was deliberate on my part. Did you know we don't own a scale at our house? Seriously, we don't own a scale. Why? The numbers can make you crazy. Did you lose 2 pounds or gain a pound? Up and down all month long and having your mood determined by an arbitrary number. The truth is that you know when you're carrying to much weight and you don't need validation of your success by a scale. How many times have your heard someone say (or felt yourself) that they were in a really good mood and feeling fit until they stepped on the scale and discovered they didn't lose any weight or they gained a pound? A pound! Water weight, hormones, whatever...a pound on a scale sends their mood plummeting. Why? If you need measurements, use a tape measure. It will tell you what kind of progress you're really making without making you crazy day in and day out.

So, now you know...you'll never hear me mention weight. I don't really care what I weigh because it isn't really relevant.

Day 16 is done!


  1. I did my 30 minutes. Yes, 30. I added Wii step, so I am now doing an extra ten. Today I am painting my bathroom so it will be late when I get to it. I don't mind the scales because I don't let them play mind games with me. But I know what you mean. I have seen people do just that. Determine what type of day they are going to have by that number on the scales. Harmones, water weight, heck how late you ate yesterday can all determine that number. Even my support hose have weight. LOL Did I shave my legs? Seriously, if you are cleaning out your ears, you are too obsessed with the scales. I just look to see if I am in the ball park. It if's up, and I can't determine why, like Thanksgiving meal, then I add more exercise. If it's down, great. If it's up and we had a big day of eating then I really won't even stress. Though I will adjust my eating the next day to compensate. That is how you stay on target in the long haul anyway. But if they make you crazy, then by all means, toss em.
    I did look on the Wii and you can do Wii Fit without weighing in. You may have to do it the first time, but after that, you can just go straight to training. Since I am letting it set goals for me and trying to stay on task, LOL I weigh in each time, but like I said, it's just a number to me. I may have just eaten before I exercise today, or I may have not eaten at all today, or I may have on more clothes. I worry about the monthly trend, not the day to day bounces. And the monthly trend is looking okay. Not as good as I'd like, but considering a major eating holiday at the end and one I enjoyed, I am pleased. Already I see my weight returning to it's preThanksgiving number, but I am in December on my tracking.

  2. In 5 days I get my stitches out - so that means...I'll be joining you in the Challenge! And it looks like I may have someone in my household joining me, too! (Hint: he's the equivalent of your Charming.) He had a follow-up Dr's appt yesterday for a physical and was told that all his bloodwork #'s were good, but he needed to eat 3 nutritious meals and 2 snacks plus do cardio and strength-training exercises every day. His assignment: to pack on 15-20 lbs of muscle. (I've been telling him that for several years, but who listens to their mom?) So he is going to watch the video and let me know if he's willing to commit. Oh, and I told him to sign up on your blog and he'll get the invaluable benefit of your encouragement, too!

  3. Gens, I wish I was sane about the numbers the way you are. I think I'm at the point that I know myself, so I know I'm not.

    Tricia, really? The Pilot might be doing it, too? Wow! Tell him Superman did day five yesterday and said he finally sees what I was saying...it wasn't as difficult and he was able to do the entire thing through. From a man's perspective, it is not too dance-y, the moves don't switch up too quickly, etc. Honestly, the first 3-4 days are horrible and you want to quit, but if you can force yourself through the first days, you can do the entire thing.

  4. Erin I lived not climbing on the scale but found my size 12 pants fitted me at 68kgs and 78kgs...so for me now I have a relationship with my scale as it keeps me focused.

  5. Thanks for explaining that to me Erin...I do understand now.

    Another question, how do you reply directly to my email address, I'd love to be able to do that from my blog...


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!