Saturday, November 7, 2009

Overwhelmed Much?

I am feeling the pressure these days and some cracks are starting to show. Let me tell you about my week.

Sunday evening I received a reminder email regarding Valiant's Adolescent Literature Seminar. "Oh, no!," I thought, "I haven't gotten the book yet and he needs to have it read by Tuesday at 6:00 p.m." A quick search of the library database revealed that no copies of the book were currently available. (Have I mentioned I love our county libraries? They are amazing!) I have a Border's gift card from my birthday, but was really trying not to use it in this manner. I called my bibliophile friend, A, who has 3000+ books at her house. "A, do you have a copy of the The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald? Valiant needs it for the seminar on Tuesday?" A search of her database revealed that she didn't. She did, however, tell me about where I might find it and if I did I could print the book for free because the copyright had expired. Score! The copyright in Australia had expired and I printed the book out that evening (running out of paper and having to figure out how to print on the backside and then messing up the order of the pages for Valiant…not a smooth operation by any means, but Valiant had the book).

Monday morning I wake up with a killer bladder infection – enough said. Still have to work-out because I've made a commitment to myself, but I must wait until the pyridium takes effect so I'm not doubled over in pain. Fun times. Did I mention that Buttercup woke up sick, too? Yep, she now has a cold.

Tuesday…the day of the adolescent literature seminar. Push Valiant to read, read, read because he loves the group and we've missed one meeting because of the flu (he missed the discussion of All Quiet on the Western Front, darn it!). Not a problem because Valiant is enjoying the book. Superman comes home from work and takes Valiant. Valiant finishes the last 20 pages in the car, gets carsick enough that he pukes in the library restroom before heading into the meeting room to join the discussion! Success? Um, no. Turns out we were so out of it being sick that we've actually missed two seminar meetings and he was supposed to have read Of Mice and MenThe Great Gatsby was two weeks ago!! Fortunately, the boy knows how hard I tried and forgives me for making him sick. Unfortunately, one of his friends hands him the book and says he can take it with him and the moderator chimes in with, "Great, have it done by 3:00 P.M. tomorrow and we'll have a meeting at Museum Day." Inwardly, Valiant groans and outwardly he smiles and says, "I'll be there." Watched The Biggest Loser because I need it! (Glad Tracy went home…she's weird…still don't like Liz, though…hmmmm.)

Wednesday – no school for Valiant. Just do chores and read the book for Museum Day. Car issues – I take Superman to the bus, come home and get started. While I'm working out my friend Mrs. M calls – her baby is due on the 20th and she's been in school full-time, so we haven't chatted. (Remember, I went to her baby shower a few weeks ago.) As soon as we hung up, I realized that I forgot to ask where she bought the gorgeous wreath she gifted to me last year – I want to buy one this year if we can. Buttercup has a difficult morning and we struggle to get out the door by 2:15, but Valiant read the book (hated it, duh) and we're going to the museum even if it kills us all. We leave the museum at 4:25 to go one mile down the road to pick up Superman and are late because I hit every single red light in downtown. We stop at Costco on the way home, groceries and dinner at the food court (gross, but fast, what can I say?). Then hurry home to get the food put away and Valiant changed. Did I mention he's a Boy Scout these days? Fortunately, we trade off driving and another family takes him this week. After he leaves, I sit down to grade Valiant's math test and I catch it on fire. How is that for distracted? Seriously, I flipped the page and set the darned thing on a candle that was burning on my desk! So, I threw the paper in the trash can and poured my iced tea on the burning test. The second page remains legible and I remember the only one he got wrong on the first page, so I give him back a scorched half page and note the other one he needs to study. The jokes begin: "Sorry, Teacher, my mom burned my homework."

Thursday – I get up at 7:00 A.M. and make a batch of Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies for Superman because I forgot to make Friday Delight on Thursday for his team. Done by 8:30 when he leaves – phew! Buttercup crosses the line big time and gets grounded to her room for the day. Enough said. Valiant has a terrific day and I'm finally feeling like myself again. We are watching Minority Report while we exercise and I realize again it is a good movie (but weird). The house gets relatively cleaned up and I'm excited because my friend and her three kids are coming for brunch Friday morning.

Friday – Superman's paycheck is $350+ short. Ugh…since we're living the Dave Ramsey way these days (give every dollar a home), I'll have to evict $350+ from their designated homes so we can put gas in the cars and feed the children. No debt reduction this paycheck. My friend K arrives with her three children at 9:30 AM and it was wonderful to see her. I served French Toast and Scrambled Eggs (hey, kids don't eat fancy stuff) and made a batch of one hour bread so she can take one with her (she was at a quilting retreat and just got home the previous evening and I know she hasn't had time to cook anything before heading up my way for her schooling commitments). I've not seen her in six months and so much has changed for her family in that time; the biggest being the switch from traditional schooling to homeschooling, but its more than that. Her baby is walking and is babbling. Her boys are calmer and happier. She's struggling with all the new homeschooling issues, but seems so fulfilled. She says her husband likes the changes he sees in the kids and their home life since they started homeschooling. She shows me the amazing quilt she made for her brother and shares with me the realization that being a homeschooling mom means she struggles to find time to do crafty/homemaking things. Um, yeah, I know. By noon, they've gone and we've settled into our school day. I'm playing with numbers on the computer trying to figure out the next two weeks. Superman comes home early and we finally exercise. Dinner is Tuna Melts and Salad and by the time that is done and cleaned up, I'm wiped.

(Look at the quilt my friend is making for her little brother - she used a bunch of his old shirts and fabrics that had elements that meant something to them all. Quite the labor of love, isn't it?)

Saturday – Here we are. I'm typing this on a laptop as I sit in the car waiting for Valiant to finish his Stage Combat class. I'm in my exercise clothes so I can't skip my workout. We'll be stopping at the post office on the way home to mail two books for Paperback Swap. Hopefully Superman has breakfast done and waiting for us when we walk in the door. Did I mention we're having a party tonight? Before Game Night begins, we're hosting a Mexican Pot Luck. We're supplying the meat, the beans, and some chips. . Everyone else is bringing the fixings. Oh, and Superman is making cream puffs and beignets. Today I'll be making up a batch of home-made refried beans and freshly fried tortilla chips.

So, what's been going on at your house?


  1. I'd been worried about you and knew I needed to shoot you an email. Now I know why. GOsh girl, you make me tired reading all that. You know you can take a break from exercise if you are sick. Just don't let the break become permanent. Poor Valiant. He must feel like he's read all the great works of art in the last week. LOL He'll be ready for college that's for sure.

    Been a little quieter at our house, but not much.

  2. You made me tired reading all that you had been up to, also. I have 2 copies of the Great Gatsby. It's one of my favorite books.

    Your candle story is funny lol.

    Not much going on with us. I cut off all of my hair today and my hubby hates it lol. Now I am starting to hate it because of the way he looks at me. In regards to your comment on my blog, I don't know if I am going to post this month's measurements. I'll take a picture for sure, but all of my measurements are off (up) and so is my weight...because of, well, we will just call it bloating.

  3. No wonder I never get to talk to you anymore. Hope you are having fun at your party.

  4. Ow. Sounds like... not fun. But hey, I've always wanted to light a math test on fire...I hope it gets better for you


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!