Friday, November 13, 2009

Fertilizer Friday

It is Fertilizer Friday, hosted by Tootsie at Tootsie Time. We're supposed to be sharing our amazing blooms, but I don't have any right now. What I can share is that my garden is confused!

This is what the front yard looked like a few weeks ago. The weather experts were sure that inclement weather was here to stay and we were glad we got everything cut back and ready for a long winter's nap. Snow had finally arrived...

It dusted the post that had so recently housed a profusion of petunias.

It feathered the tops of the sad little box hedges.

And definitely made itself known in the backyard.

Unfortunately, "they" were wrong. The sun came out and the weather stayed warm. Warm enough the plants are confused.

They just don't know what is happening...does this look like Fall to you?

Snow was predicted for today...with a high of 37F. Since we're already at 38F and there is no snow to be seen, I suspect we won't be seeing any and the confusion will continue...

Head over to Tootsie's to see what everyone else has blooming these days!


  1. Although we haven't had any snow yet, I do still have some brave petunias and daisies in my yard. It's very unusual for November.

  2. Our weather has been weird too. One day it's in the fifties, the next in the seventies. Our poor flowers are so confused.

  3. Oh you need to be patient cleaning all those.
    Anyway, happy cleaning, lol!

    Thanks for the visit. Blessings to you this weekend

  4. we have no snow anymore either...and the dead leaves never did fall off the trees when the snow killed them last month. It is a really strange fall for sure!
    In my snow and a little mild weather is good days!


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