Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Photo two days ago...

So, I know it is Friday Photo Flashback and I'm supposed to be digging out photos from my pre-digital camera days, but I just can't. Instead, I decided to show you how much Buttercup is enjoying the PE portion of our school days.

Awfully nice of her to clean the treadmill for me, don't you think? Or maybe she's so exhausted that she's sleeping on the treadmill bed? Oh, I've got it...she's so excited about PE that she sleeps on the treadmill so she can be first in line to exercise every morning! Did I mention she's christened it the "dreadmill"?

Having said all of that, she was on the "dreadmill" for 93 minutes because she wanted to finish a movie and the only way she could watch the movie was if she was moving her body. Oh, the price we pay to watch television.

To see what people actually dug up, head over to More Than Words and join Alicia's Friday Photo Flashback party. Most people really do go back farther than two days...Happy Friday!
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  1. Wow! That is determination! The movie must have been worth it!

    LOL...I would have been taking pictures too!

  2. You killed her! Poor buttercup. Come live with me in the deep south where we get our exercise running outside in the fresh air. And don't do it because we are allergic to everything blooming. ;)
    Next time, pick a shorter movie.

  3. Looks like my kind of exercise. This is hilarious!

  4. Oh Buttercup, come visit Aunt Katie where we have no such rules about watching TV. Although we probably should... hmm now that I think about it...not such a bad idea. Ok well come visit Aunt Katie and while you rae visiting we'll play hookey from P.E. . We'll go hiking and walking around the city and maybe even try out some canoeing and kayaking. (I really want to try that some day. Want to join me?) But no treadmill and TV I promise. What about the stationary bike? I don't know what your mother is talking about.


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