Saturday, August 1, 2009

Making Food Prep Easier

One of the things I did in anticipation of our long vacation was to prepare as much food ahead of time as possible. You've already heard me rave about Andrea's amazing Buttermilk Pancakes and I wasn't joking when I said they became an instant favorite in my house. Since I knew we'd want them when we were camping, I prepared the mix (in two different batch sizes for when Superman would be with us and when he wouldn't) ahead of time. Then I simply put masking tape on the jars listing the necessary ingredients to complete that batch and, viola!, "instant" pancake mix.
P.S. As for the buttermilk the recipe calls for, I didn't want to give up space in my tiny refrigerator to buttermilk. Instead, I used buttermilk powder in the dry ingredients and then added the required water when it was time for the wet. We tasted no difference. Just be sure to sift the dry before you pack it up, as the buttermilk powder will clump.


  1. great idea. I will have to try it when we go camping or what not.

  2. What a wonderful idea. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  3. I do the same thing when I go camping... but I haven't seen this recipe, I must have missed it when you posted it. I'm totally going to find it and try it.


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