Monday, August 3, 2009

Kitty Update, of sorts...

Well, $1600 later, we brought Lucky Baby home today. What did we get for our $1600? Well, she's been on iv fluids for a week and been getting round the clock care. We don't have a diagnosis, but suspect cancer. (The hepatic lipodosis they thought it was turned out to be a best case scenario diagnosis.) They wanted to run more and more tests and we said, "No". She's had enough: enough blood tests, enough fur shaved off, enough needles. I guess now we just wait. We wait to see if the guess is wrong and it isn't cancer and she bounces back or wait for signs she's declining and wonder how long it will be before we have to head back to the pet hospital to put her down.

We're all sad, but resigned...we've done all we can do for her. Honestly, even though it will take us a while to recover from the expenditure, the time it gave us has helped the children understand the immense responsibility that is pet ownership. It is so much more than being able to buy the food each is having to make the really hard decisions about what is best for the animal, even when your heart aches.

Thanks for listening...I know to some people it is no big deal and I can appreciate that, but for all of us, it has been really difficult.


  1. Aww I'm sorry to hear that, it's always rough.

  2. I'm so sorry. Poor little kitty.

  3. This is the point where it gets hard. When do you stop and say ENOUGH is enough for them! She looks like she's had enough. Our kitty was at that point a year ago and we made her a home on our screened in porch so she could be comfy and away from predators. She is now doing great. I think she just needed fresh air. LOL Only God really knows.

  4. Poor, sweet kitty. I have 2 kitties right now but we've lost our share of them in the past. It's hard every time. And now that our cats are getting older (11 and 6 years old) we will probably start to see health problems and we will have to make some tough decisions, too. God bless.

  5. Oh poor, Lucky Baby. I think you did the right thing bringing her home. I know this is super hard, but she is loved and will feel that around her. That is what is important. If she goes, she will go with all of that surrounding her.

    Such a sweet little thing, she and you all are in my thoughts. (but then again you always are!)


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