Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday Photo Flashback

You'll either be scandalized or amused by the picture I dug up for Friday Photo Flashback this week. Remember, Friday Photo Flashback is to help us do something with those boxes of pictures from the pre-digital camera era we have tucked away in our houses. (You know the ones. The ones that you keep meaning to get into photo albums, but never quite get to!) Anyway, head over to Alicia's to see what people dug up this week...the trip down Memory Lane is always a fun one.

As for me, my disclaimer: I grew up in So Cal in the late 70s. This picture was taken when I was about 16, so we're talking 1979 or so. I spent every minute possible at the beach or in the pool and short-shorts were the uniform of the day! Most of the time, I was accompanied by my best friend in those days, Lisa. (I lost touch with Lisa years ago, but man, we had some fun whining over boys and butts and life!) Lisa was a whopping 5' 2 3/4" (you've got to get that 3/4" in when you're that little!) as compared to my 5'10". My dad took the picture because he was amused at the disparity of our butts when we were both standing at the counter (we didn't even know he took it)--obviously, all my height is in my legs. Anyway, Lisa has Mediterranean coloring and I was always, always envious of her tan. I couldn't hope to match her, but, oh, did I try. This particular picture was taken after Lisa and I had spent three days in a row at Zuma Beach and I matched her tan! It was so amazing. But, then, the very next day, I started peeling...oh, the devastation. A few weeks later, my dad showed me the picture he'd taken and I heard the Hallelujah chorus I was so excited to see it...I didn't notice our butts, I didn't notice our shorts; all I saw was the proof that, for one brief moment in time, I was super tan! So, please forgive me for showing you my butt, but I'm reveling in my glory days!

P.S. I thought I was fat back then. I agonized over how fat I was. I would kill to be that fat now!


  1. Ha! I'm amused. I wore shorts like that..back then too!!

  2. LOL...I know..I always thought I was big!! Ugh!

    Oh my gosh, you were totally tanned! And you have such nice legs!!!!!

  3. Glad to know someone else is my height! I am all legs too girl. And I would love to be as fat as you in this picture!!!! Sheesh.

    Tonight we went out to eat. After I left the restaurant the waiter said to my husband, "Wow! Your wife is tall! I didn't realize she was tall until she stood up. She looked me eye to eye." Gee, thanks guy. I guess I'm a freak of nature or something. Mercy. Ha.

  4. 5'2 and 3/ funny cause that's EXACTLY what I tell people when they ask me how tall I am. I used to say 5'3 but a doctor called me on it a couple years back. He said, "you're not 5'3, you're 5'2 and 3/4" pssht (I used to be 5'4--im shrinking like all of the women in my family!!).

    I bet your butt got slapped a lot in those shorts, and I bet you liked it!! hahahaha (j/k...hope that wasn't too personal of a joke--im just teasing you, ya know ;P).

  5. Wow...that is quite a tan! I'm a little jealous, LOL!

  6. Another butt I wish I could go back in time and pinch. Of course as your sister that is my prerogative. Right? I never did wear shorts like that, but I think that is because most of the time I was on a boat or on the island and the style was the preppy bermuda shorts. What can I tell you it was the east coast in the 80's. I also sported jean cut offs a lot, not "daisy dukes" but close.

  7. Beautiful Tan!!! and legs too!!!
    man! I was that fat too! I wish I can be that fat again, oh i want that so bad!
    from a negative zero all the way to a 22size then I started NutriSystem and went down to 10 but I started loving food again and I am back to 14... I want to be a negative again! =)but iLove food so bad!

  8. Great tan!!! I wish I was that fat too! I used to be that fat until I had 5 kids...then I "slimmed" down to only 4 times that size :0)! Ha! Ahhhhhh....the good ole days!

    Smiles :0)!

  9. It makes me smile while reading your post. Thanks for your visit.

  10. Well, there's a side of you I haven't seen, lol!


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