Saturday, August 22, 2009

The First IT Professional Service Call

For those of you who don't know, Superman is a professional computer geek. As such, he has shared some funny stories about work over the years, such as the person who called him very frustrated because she couldn't find the "any" key. Along those lines, he sent this to me yesterday and I just had to laugh. So, what am I doing? Sharing it with you, of course, because laughter should definitely be shared. Happy Saturday to you all.


  1. Oh my gosh...that was hilarious!!!!!! Whoever thought of that was brilliant!! LOL!

    The end was so funny how the book was turned the other way!!

  2. Lol!!!Thanks for making us laugh.

  3. I've got to share this with the IT people in my life! The scary thing was, I recognized myself (just a bit)in this clip!

  4. I love me users, I love my users, I love my users! I really do. Remember: There is nothing you can do that can't be fixed.


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