Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Okay, I knew that would get your attention, but I just had to say it. Let me explain:

Last year, I set for myself the lofty goal of a hand-made Christmas. Since I didn't start until after Thanksgiving, however, I was doomed to failure. Worse, I ended up buying things at the last minute because it was impossible for me to finish enough things to meet my gift list. This year, I've decided again to try for a hand-made Christmas. Notice, however, that it is July 7. Yes, that is right. I am now beginning the process of brainstorming Christmas gift ideas. (And Halloween and Thanksgiving decor ideas, but that is a different post.)

So, just in case you're like me and have these amazingly good intentions with follow-through issues, I thought I'd let you know. It is time to think forward a bit.

So, don't be surprised if my blog starts to feature more and more hand-made gift ideas even though you're still trying to figure out how to get your potato salad to the beach without it going bad. I'm on a mission!

P.S. Just thought I'd let you know that a) Michael's already has their Fall stuff up and b) Target is beginning to load up the Back-to-School section. Oh, and Walgreen's has their summer stuff 50% off!


  1. Bring on the handmade gifts...I love great ideas!

  2. Good for you! Can't wait to see your designs!

  3. I do start early making things and I would love to get some fresh ideas for this Christmas. Funny, but I had thought about posting this on my blog as well.

  4. you are ambitious and that´s so admirable!
    You can do all things through Christ!
    Go for the Gold! ;)

  5. Glad to know I'm not the only one...

  6. Not me, I am going to wait to the very last minute. Buy no more than I have to and try and enjoy the season. Not a crafty person, but I will enjoy seeing what you guys come up with.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!