Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our cats really do have it tough...

Poor Tuck! When he awakens from his nap, I guess he'll have to turn over to get the Pounce that my daughter kindly left for him on his belly!

The abuse he must put up with...unbelievable! How does he cope with it all?

Seriously, why didn't she put it closer to his mouth? Did she not understand he would have to move to reach it?

(Yes, he slept through all of this...putting the Pounce on his belly and taking 3 is a tough life.)


  1. Toooo Cute!!
    Boy is he a sound sleeper....

  2. I want that job! I really do!

  3. Tuck! I love you so, you are a cat after my own heart. Now if you can snap a picture of Baby doing something all the feline children will be represented.


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