Thursday, June 25, 2009

On Motivation...

I've been listening to Dr. Laura for years and years. Before her, I listened to Dr. Toni Grant. When did I do this listening? When I was lying on the beach getting a tan. Seriously. We only got AM at the beach and so I listened to talk radio; first with my mom, and later when I'd come to the beach by myself. If you don't listen to Dr. Laura, you've probably formed opinions based upon what you've heard about her, soundbites taken out of context, or some combination there of. Basically, she is a proponent of personal responsibility and the idea that if you've chosen to have a child, caring for them is your highest priority. Anyway, I don't get to listen to her much because I don't drive around much these days, but I do read her blog.

I thought you might like this...The Search for Motivation is a Hopeless Quest. What do you think?


  1. First... OOOH AAAH love the face lift! Now I'll read the post. :-)

  2. I will admit that I am wary of Dr. Laura. She has a touch of Dr. Phil to her. And, as I recall when I listened to her show, she was sometimes quite rude. But is was a long long time ago. I just remember being put off and never listened again. That being said. This particular post rang very true. Sometimes you just have to chose to do it even against your distaste for it. Perhaps if i just read Dr. Laura I'll be less put off by her. I know I can't listen to her.

  3. Love your bloglift...I've been looking for the right skin for weeks. I LOVE Dr. Laura...I started listening to her when I was a "feministic" 50 mile commuting-new mom who's trying to grasp the career-since I'm not designed for homemaking....She...even before I listened to Christian radio...I listened to her. I LOVE Dr. Laura...she's great...not a believer...but still gives out biblical values...

  4. LA, I knew you'd be trepidatious, but I'd hoped you'd give it a shot. Glad you got out of it what I saw in it. Lorrie, I was doing the same drill all those years ago.

  5. Thanks..I havent thought about Dr. Laura in years.

  6. I am very happy with the way that this room turned out. Getting the desk out made such a huge difference. It really gave us more options all around. It just hope that it work for you downstairs.


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