Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Delight...

My favorite part of Thursday is making sweet treats for Superman to take to work for his team. One of the recipients referred to it as Friday Delight and so it stuck.

The weather is heating up and I really didn't feel like baking something decadent...if I could have, I'd have sent them all strawberry cups topped with whipped cream. That wasn't going to happen, so I settled for something a little easier to transport. The recipe I chose was sent to me by my dear friend back in So Cal, Cali Girl. She and I have been friends for years and I owe her a debt of gratitude that can never, ever be understated. On a beach trip many years ago, her then-eleven-year-old daughter saved my then-two-year-old daughter from drowning as she pursued her pacifier into the Pacific Ocean. No joke, no drama, just the plain really did happen, it was really almost a tragedy, and I've never forgotten the blessing I received that day, all because I invited an extraordinary child to join us at the beach that day.

Anyway, back to the recipe...Cali Girl sent me this recipe in April, but it must have gotten lost in the email never-land because it just showed up in my in-box yesterday as I was desperately trying to figure out what I'd be making for today. It was perfect fit for my mood, the weather, and what I had on hand. Go figure!

So, what did I make? I made Apple Coffee Cake. Turns out the recipe my friend send is a SparkPeople recipe (Did you hear that Melissa? You can have this one!)...light, easy, and good. While the name is coffee cake, it is not as rich as a coffee is almost like an easy tart. Definitely perfect with your morning coffee or afternoon tea. Not to sweet, but sweet enough to count as a treat. Let me know what you think.

Apple Coffee Cake
adapted from SparkPeople recipe from my friend CaliGirl!

5 cups tart apples - peeled, cored, and chopped (I sliced mine using the corer, peeler, slicer...easy peasy-it worked out to being 4 apples.)
1 cup dark raisins (I used 1 1/2 cups because I omitted the nuts...ick.)
1/2 cup chopped pecans- chopped (Obviously, I didn't include these...)
1 cup sugar
1 egg beaten
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 cup canola oil (the recipe called for olive oil, I couldn't picture it)
1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups all purpose flour (the recipe calls for all whole wheat flour - I wanted it lighter)
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon


1) Mix apples, raisins, nuts, and sugar in large bowl. Let rest for 30 minutes.

2) Preheat oven to 350 and lightly grease a 9 x 13 pan.

3) In small bowl, mix together flour, baking soda, and cinnamon. Set aside

4) Into apple mixture, stir in egg, oil, and vanilla. Mix in flour mixture, 1/3 of the mixture at a time, just until combined.

5) Place batter into pan and bake for 30-40 minutes. Let cool...Serve. Serves 20.

See, an easy, pretty good-for-you dessert. What more could you ask for?

(Debbie - this would be perfect for trip you asked me about!)


  1. Wow, Erin!! That is totally a God thing!!! It's hard to not think of the "what if's." I'm glad you really don't have to!!!!

    Now, that recipe looks super yummy and super easy!!!!!! I always tell people that I'm going to try it, and I never do. But, I love apples, pecans, & cinnamon!!!!!

    You're a great baker!!

  2. hmmm, this looks nummy! I would probably eliminate the rasins, though, lol!

    What a blessing that your sweet friend's daughter saved your own daughter!

    My son and his friend saved two boys who were panicking in the middle of a lake. They swam out to far and began to panic (well, one of them was having an asthmatic attack so I don't blame him for panicking).

  3. TY Erin. I am sugar free so I won't be eating this anytime soon (darn!). Also, everything from sparkpeople isn't healthy. You can put double double chocolate cake with 2 sticks of butter as frosting on that site if you wanted to (it's user generated--not monitored) :). This one isn't as bad as the last one you posted though :).

    Nutritional Info

    * Amount Per Serving
    One 3-1/2-inch x 2-1/2-inch piece
    * Calories: 182.3

    * Total Fat: 4.6 g
    * Cholesterol: 10.6 mg
    * Sodium: 99.0 mg
    * Total Carbs: 33.8 g
    * Dietary Fiber: 1.9 g
    * Protein: 2.8 g

    Yield: 20 servings--Serving Size: 3-1/2-inch x 2-1/2-inch piece


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!