Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Family Portrait!

Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com
Make your Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com

Okay, is this too cute or what? Generations Gone By had this posted last week (her family is equally as gorgeous) and I immediately stopped doing anything productive to go create our stick figure family. Aren't we a handsome family?

Head over here and create yours for free...you'll be glad you wasted the time!


  1. I see you had the same problem I did in that it cropped off Buttercup. I couldn't figure out how to get it to realize the window in my blog was smaller. The RSS feed was fine.

  2. I have no idea how I missed this post but I'm glad I went back. I am so going to make us into stick figures right now!!!

    Hooray stick figures. Oh and Fig and I wanted our wedding invitations to be stick figures but Mom vetoed it so we caved and did a more formal invite. The stick figures would have been more us though.


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