Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This will make you smile - I promise!

For the second time in as many years (that we're aware of), a mama duck has built her nest on ledge of a building in our small city. Last year, she encouraged her children to leave the nest by jumping off the ledge to the sidewalk far below. (Obviously, not a good plan...) When the ducklings took their turns to jump off the ledge last year, they were very lucky that a banker who worked in the building was watching. He ran downstairs and under the ledge and starting catching the babies as they jumped. (Sadly, he missed the first one.) Then he helped the mama duck and her babies across the street and watched them walk to the river.

This year, she decided to have them leave the nest on the occasion of the annual Lilac Day Parade and the man was again there, this time, with his family and friends. Again, he caught the babies...and even climbed up to get the few that didn't jump! Then the mama and the babies were safely escorted to the river by the man and his family and, this year, they were cheered on by supportive parade-goers.

Don't believe me? Click on these! (Your kids will love them...)

Last year:


This year:

Have I mentioned that I love where I love.

Happy Tuesday, my friends!


More Than Words said...

How cute, Erin!

I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it! LOL

Charming said...

so cute!!!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

Well I'm glad he was there! Cute picture! Hope he keeps it up or passes the torch some day!

~ Nan

Anonymous said...


Femin Susan said...

I have never seen such a site in a photo too.(now saw)The ducklings following their mother. There are soo many of them. He is really a kind hearted man to help the duckling down. mama bird must have found this as a great help. Sorry to hear that he missed the first one on the jump.

Jumping from the tree is not indeed a good idea.Thanks for sharing.
have a great day.

Charming said...

I went and checked out the source articles, and they say that the first duckling was stunned but otherwise uninjured by its fall

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh what a cute story! Thank you for sharing that smile today!

Anonymous said...

I remember that story from last year :) How nice that this year they were able to actually video tape it - Double smiles! - Tricia

Melissa Henning said...

that was a really cute video. Thanks for sharing! I love snopes.com btw!

Erin said...

Charming doubled checked and even the baby the man didn't catch last year lived...phew!