Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Shriek of Dismay Heard Round the World...

Ack! I'm just so upset that Helen, that selfish woman who sent her daughter home so she could stay on the Campus longer, won the Biggest Loser! The only thing that would have been worse would have been Ron winning! Ugh!

But Tara looked terrific and I was very impressed with Mike...he did a great job...now I must go eat something sweet to drown my sorrows.

(Okay, I'm done now...)


Anonymous said...

How funny I just posted about this too!!! Great minds think alike!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

I definitely didn't want her to win either. I was shocked and dismayed. :(

Anonymous said...

Ugh!Helen is so selfish I can't believe she won!!! I'm never watching that show again!

Anonymous said...

Never ever or until next season starts, but that is beside the point she is annoying frustrating and did I mention annoying. And did she think that she was Tara's age in that dress? And could any one try getting as much attention as she did standing in front of Mike and going on waving when ever her name was said. Helen ge...Yes I am amazing everybody look at me I need attention.Clap Clap and to rap it up. Aghhhhhhhhhh

Darla said...

Sadly I was pleased. I think it showed older women that there are no excuses. She was the underdog and she pulled it out.