Monday, May 25, 2009

Making Your Home Sing Monday...

Can you believe it is already Monday again? It seems like the last week just flew appointments and museum day, plus a surprise movie for the the kids (we finally saw the new
Star Trek movie - amazing!) and a holiday weekend and the week is over already and it is time for...
Making Your Home Sing Monday the Memorial Day week edition. We're all going to be coming off the 3-day weekend and trying to get everything done in four days what normally takes five. But for me, I'm not rushing. I'm going to do my Monday chores, I'm going to plant the last of my garden, and I'm going to enjoy the day with Superman. Superman is my very best friend and I love any day that he's home.

Buttercup spent the entire weekend painting anything that wasn't fast enough to get away from her (shirts, clay creations, wooden and ceramic figurines). She found such joy in creating...she reminded us about throwing ourselves into our projects with enthusiasm and passion. Valiant found the same thing this weekend, when he decided to surprise us all and jumped out of bed Saturday morning and mowing the lawn without being told. The enthusiasm with which he greeted the task combined with the joy in his face when he shared with us his surprise were absolutely wonderful.

Whether you're painting little figurines or working on a project in your backyard or just cleaning the bathroom, there is joy and enthusiasm to be found. Joy in your surroundings and enthusiasm in a job well done. Even the most mundane task provides the opportunity to feel joyous. For me and my family, this is the attitude I'll be encourage for the week. I want everyone to feel that sunshine I saw in my children's facesAs for the rest of the week, the kids and I are heading to Michael's and buying some unfinished bird houses and painting them for our backyard. I have a cool craft project in mind that involves two terracotta pots (which I already bought!) that I'll try to get done to show you later in the week.

So, this week, we're singing Walking in Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. We're definitely walking in sunshine these days. To find out how everyone else is feeling (and give Nan a virtual hug to help her get over her cold), head on over to Momstheword for the Making Your Home Sing Party. Even sick, I know she'll appreciate you stopping by!

I hope you have a sunshine-ey week.


  1. What a sweet post and a great reminder to find joy in all things. You just reminded me how much joy I felt after planting my flowers last week.

  2. Great post and such a good reminder of finding joy in the little things.

  3. We are finding joy with family and friends while remembering those who serve and have served our country.
    Picnic at the pond and fishing later today with the kids....

  4. What a motivating post. If I wasn't still sick I'd jump right up and go do something! I thought I'd feel better today but I don't, so hopefully my asthma will be much better tomorrow. I keep hoping, anyway! Just trying to make my home sing in small spurts, lol!

    I am looking forward to seeing what you're doing with the birdhouses because I love to decorate with them! Thanks for linking up today, my friend! BTW, lots of sunshine here too. Hope it lasts long enough for me to get out and enjoy it.

  5. I love that sond, "Walking on Sunshine" Hope you had a great holiday weekend.

  6. Hope you all had a terrific Memorial Day...the sun continued to shine and we got more done...what an awesome day...

  7. I love the idea of a "clean getaway." So true. People can make so many changes to their appearances. I know one gal who changes her hair color quite often!


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