Monday, May 18, 2009

Just in case you thought it was only Buttercup...

...who has a way with words...

Charming emerged from his bedroom this morning, looked and me, and said, "Huh? look good."

It is a good thing I have these kids around to keep my ego in check.


  1. ....

    Wow. SERIOUSLY out of context.
    I was referring to the fact that you were all dressed up and looked really nice. If you need to infer that that means you look bad the other times, go ahead, be sensitive. *hmphs*

    that's the last time I compliment YOU

  2. I have had those compliments too...good thing we love them hey?
    Thanks for the visit today! I am pleased to meet you and love your blog...your background is adorable!!!!

  3. Hey, you're the one who said it the way you were surprised!

    Tootsie, thanks! I loved your blog, too!

  4. kids are to honest.. my 3 yrold said to me the other day when i was teasing her about putting on one of her skirts i was want her to wear that it wouldnt fit me cause my butt is way to big..THANKS HONEY!!She said daddy can wear it he has a tiny butt.. jeesh.. nothing like kicking someone when there down.huh..

  5. I was at Costco looking at shirts and asking my teenage son his uninterested opinion, lol!

    Finally he holds up a shirt and very sincerely said "Mom, you should buy this. It's ugly. It would look great on you!"

    I just burst out laughing and so did he when he realized what he said.

  6. You look good? What a shock! What did you do differently? perhaps its having your eldest home for the summer giving you a warm glow of excitement and anticipation.
    Yep you love me, I know it, don't deny it. I'm your baby sister and your stuck with me now. :-)

  7. just to let you know my sil came thru surgury fine and is at home already resting ..thank you for thinking of her..

  8. I am not sure where to go with this one so I am going to hang out back here with all of the blog stalkers and giggle.

  9. Nice...the man giggles. Love you, Babe!

    Mistie, glad to hear your sil is doing well!

    LA - just remember that girl Karma!


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