Saturday, May 16, 2009

It seems like just yesterday,

That she was sprinkling me with pixie dust...oh, how things have changed:

One morning this past week, my sweet little Buttercup climbed in bed with me to cuddle before we began our day. "Oh", I thought to myself, "she wants to cuddle like we did when she was wonderful." We lay there quietly for a few minutes.

Then she rolled over to me, looked into my eyes and said, "Mommy?"

"Yes, Sweetie?" I responded.

"Daddy really needs to color your hair again," she informed me.

"Thanks, Baby"

Ah, how I would have preferred a little pixie dust...


More Than Words said...

LOLOL..oh my gosh...that totally sounds like something my daughter would say!!!!!!

Beth in NC said...

LOL! Ahhhh, little angels.

Darla said...

Bwahahahahahahaa. Aren't they sumthin?

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how funny! When you find it, would you send a little of that pixie dust my way? I sure could use it!

Andrea said...


Stop by arise 2 write...I have a surprise for you. Blessings, andrea

momstheword said...

Oh how funny!!!! The things that come out of their mouths! I think I'd be hoping for pixie-dust too, lol!

Stephanie said...

Oh my don't you just love their honesty sometimes? :) That's adorable!

Thanks for visiting my blog!!!!!

Anonymous said...

MIne once said, Mommy you are fat. I casually said, yeah that's what you get for having babies. Now she says she's never having kids...


Erin said...

Obviously, we don't bear children because they're good for our egos...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's not hear, my hair has been due for dye job for weeks now. So funny. She is her mothers daughter with the honesty thing though.

E @ Scottsville said...

Oh wow, this would be a WONDERFUL "Walk Down Memory Lane" post! I host that 'meme' every Wednesday over on my blog! I'd love for you to join me sometime!


Erin said...

Thanks, Erica...I'll check it out...