Friday, May 15, 2009

It is still Friday!

It is still Friday Photo Flashback at Alicia's, too. So, I'm inviting you all to walk down memory lane with me (actually, to life pre-my memory) and enjoy this picture a friend of mine restored for me. The photo was actually from a Polaroid-type camera and in really bad condition. My friend "A" did a terrific job restoring it, given what she had to work with.

This picture was taken when I was a few months old (2-3, I'm guessing) and that is my mom holding me on her lap. It definitely qualifies as pre-digital camera era. The things that strike me about this picture? My mom is one of those women who has always considered herself unattractive, but as you can see, she wasn't. (I, of course, was amazingly adorable at 2-3 months old, don't you think...wink, wink!) Also, look at the throws and stuff on the bed as well as the light on the wall...very 60s, wouldn't you say? (Especially since it was late '63 or early '64.) Her clothes are "in" again!

Now, I'm heading over to Alicia's house to see what everyone else brought to the Friday Photo Flashback.


Muthering Heights said...

What a sweet picture! I think you were both very cute. :)

Mamí♥Picture said...

so sweet, I love your pic... You both are beautiful, I love your Mom's hair so chic! Your friend did great job on the picture... I also got one of my mothers picture fixed and it look very good, right? anyways thank you for your comments- I love comments because I feel like someone appreciates my crazy creativity...

More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh..she's very attractive!! Wow..I love this picture!!! I have a picture I'm sharing of my mom and dad in the late 60's too! Those pictures are so priceless!!!

I'm glad you joined in despite your emergency today!!!!

momstheword said...

Oh yeah, I love this picture. So back in the day! Aren't you a cutie and your mom looks very pretty!

So you check on the weekends just in case I get pregnant, lol!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable baby you were. I liked your Mom's pixie cut. Very cute. But by far the cutest thing in the pic is you! Baby Erin. Awww.

Anonymous said...

I guess her cut is more shag than pixie, but its cute

Darcie said...

That is such a precious picture, and your mom was very pretty. Funny how fashions always have a way of coming back around.

really.truly said...

Wow, your mom is movie star pretty! I really, really like that picture. It just shows "that time" so well. Precious.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a photo shoot. I also think that's a precious haircut your mom has. What a fun picture!

Nina said...

Great photo!!! I think it s so fun when everyone goes back like this.

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful and so are you. So chubby. We never like ourselves, yet our descendants think we are beauty personified. Can't wait for my great great grandchildren to adore me. Ashamed I won't be around to enjoy it, huh?

DarcyLee said...

Love your mom's hair and you are adorable. I love those old pictures.

If you do try making the biscuits, let me know how they turn out.

Erin said...

I love, love, love my mom's hair in this picture...I don't think I've ever seen it like this, but I think it is so flattering.

I think Gens is right, all the things we are bothered by won't matter to our children as they look back.

DarcyLee, I'll definitely be trying the biscuits next week. (The weather is awesome this week, so we're working outside.)