Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Photo Flashback

Well, it is already that time again and this time, I'm not waiting until the last minute! It is time to join everyone for Alicia's Friday Photo Flashback! I came across the picture I'm sharing just a few days ago and thought it would be perfect to share with you all. I love it--even if I have that stupid "boy" haircut.

My mom married her high school math teacher...I never had a math teacher I'd consider dating, let alone marry, but maybe things were different back in the day. Anyway, he continued teaching at the high school and when I was came along, I became part of the school, too. I was the mascot at the football games and had my own little version of a uniform. (Look how cute those little white gloves are...)

This is an old, old picture (42+ years old), so I think it definitely counts as pre-digital!

A funny addendum to the story? I was sitting in the waiting area of a restaurant when I was in my early 20s and I overheard a conversation that a bunch of "grown-ups" were having about their highschool reunion. I quickly figured out which school it was and my interest was was that school. Then someone said, "Hey, whatever happened to that teacher that married that student?" The conversation buzzed around that topic for a minute and I couldn't resist...I jumped in with: "Are you talking about Teacher X marrying Student Y?" They couldn't figure out how I knew about something like that. I smiled and said, "I happened to them." It was pretty darned funny.

Lesson learned: Be careful who you're sitting around when you begin just never know!


  1. Wow!!!!! What a story!!!!

    So..let me get this straight..LOL. Was he her teacher in high school? He must have been a cool math teacher! LOL!

    But, I think that is so neat, and what a small world about the kids talking about them!!! I bet that made them quiet real quick! LOL

    Love the picture! You are adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for joining in again, Erin!!!!!

  2. First...what an adorable picture!

    Second...what a funny story, and I bet it really taught those people a lesson. Not so much to maybe wonder who is listening, but just to simply not gossip.

    Great photo for this week!

  3. oh you look so adorable! I'll bet everybody loved you. I love the little gloves!

    I used to have a crush on my junior high science teacher, lol! Science was my favorite class that year, hehehe!

    BTW, my hair always had one side that turned out better too.

  4. Now that is an interesting story. I had to laugh about how "you happened to them."
    No offense, but I wouldn't have wanted to marry any of my math teachers either.

  5. I love the picture but the story is priceless. After the confusion wore off, I bet their mouths hit the floor.

    BTW, I never had a crush on a teacher. They were kinda ick to me:-)

  6. Funny story!! I love that you said something...I think I would have as well :) Adorable picture.

  7. I Love your Picture! Suuperr super CUTE! Great Story!
    Have a Blessing Friday!

  8. awww.. what a great Mascot! I think that is way better than a dressed up stuffed animal running around. Put a cute little girl out there and the crowd goes wild! awwww!!!

  9. LOL!!! I bet those people were so embarrassed!

    The picture is adorable!

  10. Thanks for stopping by and commenting...I loved reading them all...

  11. How cute were you? I think your "boy hair cut" was adorable. As for that Math teacher... well you know.


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