Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Don't Blink or You'll Miss It!

Our dogs are clean!

There is a young mom a few miles a way who does an awesome job dog grooming. Since I am not a good dog brusher (I have issues with consistency), our dogs really needed attention after 100 inches of snow this past winter and serious rain this spring. Didn't she make them look beautiful?


Anonymous said...

Awwww. Daisy and Lucy are so pretty. Buttercup looks less than thrilled though, does she share her mother's indifference to dogs?

Anonymous said...

I wish she lived close to me. My poor dog looks like a sheep. Got to remember to buy new clippers this weekend.

Your grass is greener than mine. Not fair. I have more rain. LOL

Melissa Henning said...

Beautimus! Your lab (?? the tan one) is beaming with pride lol. He/She knows they look good! You know seeing your cute doggies doesn't help my dog fever any lol (I bet you didn't even know I had it! lol). I can't wait until we have a doggy although it's not going to happen any time soon :(.

Anonymous said...

Melissa I have doggy fever too. But it isn't in the cards for us right now. I feel your pain. :-( Sad for us.

momstheword said...

They look beautiful! All fluffy! I try to comb my poodles hair but I think we just need to forego the puppy cut and cut it shorter. It's still to long and hard to comb thru.

Always a Southern Girl said...

Such Pretty Doggies!! Love them!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh they are pretty! And they look happy to be clean!

Beth in NC said...

They are lovely!

Erin said...

I'll tell them you all admired their salon fresh hair! The light one is a Golden Retriever and the black one is a Lab.

Unknown said...

oooo. they look so great! We just washed our dog too! she already stinks again. grrrr!
Well, on to give the boys a history quiz.
Hope you have a great day!
Thanks for visiting me! I love seeing you on my comments! So fun!