Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Roller Skating and getting a few things done...

I took the kids roller skating at the roller rink today. They had a terrific time and I have to wonder why we don't do it more often. I'm definitely keeping it on my list of things to do when the kids are getting antsy.

I also tried some new recipes that I'll be posting about later and finally made progress on some of my projects. Since it is Work In Progress Wednesday, I thought I'd share some of them with you and update you on the projects I've posted previously because I know you're keeping track (right?). LOL! I still have to finish the tote bag and the second pillow for Charming's room/the gym, but I did get the fleece for Buttercup done. In the meantime, I've taken two of Buttercup's long-sleeved shirts (with puffy shoulders - she didn't like those!) and turned them into tank tops for summer. The colors were so cute and the shirts were in such good condition, I had to find a way to lengthen their lives. I just cut off the sleeves and hemmed the armholes. I think they turned out well, what do you think?

Then, the shirt she has from her gymnastics school shrunk a lot and she didn't like to wear it anymore. So, I took another shirt she'd outgrown and cut the bottom off and attached it to the gymnastics shirt. Now it looks like she's layering, but she won't have to (which is good because just how many shirts does she want to wear over her leotard on the way to gymnastics?). It is definitely not perfect, but I will definitely do something like this again.

Finally, we're trying to pick a color to paint the family room, but since we're going BOLD, we're struggling to find just the right color before we take the plunge. Look at all our paint chips!

Can you believe I'm seriously going to paint a room orange? I can't...this is seriously a departure for me. Maybe it is insanity brought on by the grey winter? If so, then Superman has it, too. Anybody else out there going bold?


  1. I do not think that it is a grey winter thing. We are finally getting the room to work for us they way we want, but it seriously lacks any personality. I think that the orange will be a nice pop and make it a cheery place to be.

  2. Uhhmmmm orange...really? Well, I guess you can always paint over it. :P :P After all I've painted over a gabillion things.

  3. LOL! That is my thinking...I'm trying to be a risk taker here!


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