Monday, April 6, 2009

Making Your Home Sing Monday...

Can you believe it is Monday again? Already? Where does the time go? Well, here at the Nagle5 household, we're coming to the end of our second Spring Break. Do you remember when Spring Break was actually Easter Vacation and it was actually at the same time? I still can't seem to wrap my mind around the idea that Spring Break is completely done a week before Easter. It just feels wrong, somehow.

We've gotten so much done in the past few weeks, culminating in lot of things wrapping up this past weekend. We've been busy and a good way, but busy none the less. So, this week we will be setting back and letting things be. We will, of course, start up school again, and do our Monday chores, but other than some seriously fun sewing and watering our seedlings, we don't have a lot going on this week and this is deliberate. Winter keeps trying to creep back in (we had snow last week), so it is too early to do too much outside. As for the inside, no not every single thing on our to do list is completed, but we've made great strides. Sometimes, sitting back and just letting be is exactly what your home needs. We want our home to be a place of contentment and joy. Too much pressure and no one is feeling joyous. The family loses sight of why they work so hard and what it is all about because they never get to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. This week is all about balance and enjoying the progress we've made.

You know that feeling you have when you've gotten everything done you wanted to and then a even a little more? That positive energy that carries you from one task to the next with enthusiasm. How you relax into your chair and think to yourself, "Man, I had a great day!"? That is how we feel here in the Nagle household and we're loving it. We've gotten a lot done and our hard work is satisfying. We're balancing out our hard work with some not so hard work and things will still get done and progress will still be made. I'll be showing you a bunch of the things we got done this weekend, but for now, we're kicking back and listening contentedly as our home sings Peaceful, Easy Feeling.

To see what other people are doing to make their homes sing today, head on over to Momstheword and check out Making Your Home Sing is a wonderful treat.


  1. Just stopping by to say hi from MYHSM meme at momstheword. I really hope your family has a special and relaxing week.

  2. I love you guys - have I mentioned that? Well I do.

  3. LaVonne, thanks for visiting! N3, the feeling is mutual!

  4. I agree. If all you do is work, work, work, you never get to have any fun! It's good to sit back and admire what you've done together as a family.

    We used to take Spring Break at Easter but now we take it when everyone else does, so my youngest can hang out with his friends on their break.

    Thanks for joining us today!

  5. Amen!!!! What a great reminder for me!!

  6. Which Karen Kingsbury book did you read about forgiveness? One other commenter on my MYHSM post recommended 2 Kingsbury books. I was just wondering which one you recommended.


  7. My week of relaxing will be spent with you. I hope the cats don't throw a party while we are away.

  8. Great post. Thanks for commenting. I like the idea of breakfast with my husband. we might try that sometime.

  9. Good for you! Sometimes it can be hard to get there, but it is so worth it. Thanks for that reminder today!

  10. Thanks for visiting me!
    Moms - you are just so sweet. Alicia, thanks for visiting again this week.
    LaVonne, I read Oceans was terrific. LA, You think we're relaxing?! Lorie, It has worked out really well...we do the fast food thing, so our dates are always less than $10. Alicia, I've been cheerfully puttering all day. I love seeing all the great things we've gotten done in the past few weeks.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!