Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good Friends...

One of the things I tried to schedule for this visit with LoveAphid and her family was a mid-week Game Night. Due to the timing of their trip, they are missing normal Saturday night Game Night. I was worried that people wouldn't be able to come, however, because Tuesday night is a work-night/school-night and people have lives of their own. I shouldn't have been worried. My friends turned out to welcome my family and we all had a terrific time. Now that we've lived here for almost four years, we feel like we're connected and sharing the connections we've made was wonderful.
One raucus game of Pictionary and a ton of good food later, a fun time was had by all.

So, thanks to my friends for making our visiting family feel so welcomed...and helping to create another patchwork in the quilt of memories. We're blessed to know you.


  1. Wow. You're all looking like you're having so much fun! I want to come!!!!

  2. so glad you guys are having a good time :)

  3. Moms, you know you're welcome any time (bring the boys, too!)...Saturdays at 7:30!

    Melissa, it has been so much fun!

  4. Tuesday night game night was a blast! People had a great time and a lot of laughs. We even got to learn about the birds and the bees! If you don't believe me, ask Jessica Rabbit about her drawings!


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