Sunday, March 1, 2009

365 Days of Grace in Small Things...#1

Today is the first day that the Nagle5 will be participating in 365 Days of Grace in Small Things. The commitment is for us to post five things a day that we found blessing our lives. The idea is to recognize and be grateful for the little things that surround us and enrich our daily lives and are often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of this thing we call life. Since I believe sincere gratitude is the key to not being overwhelmed by the negativity of the times, this challenge was right up my alley.

The original intent is that the blogger herself/himself blog five things, but here at the Nagle5, we try to make things a little more complicated whenever we can. So, in an effort to encourage my children and Superman to remember to be grateful, I've solicited their participation. The five things we list each day will be one from each of us. I won't be identifying the source of each of the entries, but I assure you we will all participate. If you're interested in joining in, click on the button and head on over to 365 Days of Grace in Small Things ("GIST").

For now, here is the first for the Nagle5:

1. Books - I love the way they make me feel.

2. Legos - They make me think.

3. The dorks in my dorm and the people in my life who care enough about me to make a big deal out of my birthday.

4. The sounds of the birds "talking" to themselves.

5. Valiant making lunch for us all today.

P.S. Obviously, some days it will be easier than others to tell who is the author of the grace.


  1. 1 - Erin
    2 - Valiant
    2 - Charming
    4 - Buttercup
    5 - Superman

    I'm guessing - because I could see you being happy with Valiant making lunch and Superman happy reading books.

  2. Hooray for joining GiST. It helps me when I'm in the dumps.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!