Saturday, February 21, 2009

What is not to love?

What is not to love about a man who is this prepared to clean? Just look at how well-trained he is!

This is how Valiant suited up to tackle cleaning his bathroom. Man, I love this kid!

Someday (in the far distant future) he's going to make an awesome husband...I hope his future wife appreciates him! (Completely random, I know!)


  1. Valiant,
    I have always told my husband nothing is sexier than a man with a mop. The girls see this picture and they are going to be knocking down your door!

    I tell my husband, don't bring me flowers or candy, mop the kitchen floor. Nothing makes me a happier woman than clean hardwoods that I didn't have to clean.

  2. Gave you an award. You can see the details at

  3. Generations, I'll definitely get Valiant up here to see I'm not the only one! Ari, thanks so much...just headed to your blog and subscribed. I also added Calzones to my list of things to make (yum)...definitely looking forward to those!

    P.S. Gens, thanks for the award...that was really sweet of you!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!