Monday, February 16, 2009

I have another teenager now!

I can't really believe it, but it is true. Today is Valiant's 13th birthday! I can't believe how the time has flown. It seems like just yesterday that he was my beautiful little baby and now he's (as he tells me) "a Man". (Wasn't he just the prettiest baby?) We feel so proud and blessed that Valiant is our son. He's strong and caring, he's honorable and philosophical. He already tries to live his life in a mindful manner. He's creative and funny, keeping us in stitches most of the time. He's always stretching and growing in ways that surprise us. He adores his little sister and his older brother and tries to be there for them in any way he can.

Happy Birthday, Valiant! We love you and think you're amazing!


  1. Happy Birthday Valiant! Hey! It is almost noon. You have been a man for almost two hours. How does it feel?

  2. Awe! He was such a cute baby! I bet he's thrilled that you posted his baby picture on the internet for all of his soon-to-be girlfriends to accidentally come across ;).

    Happy Birthday Valiant!

  3. How could a future girlfriend NOT love that face?

  4. I have the most adorable 11 year old who would be just perfect...
    Don't you hate when women do that? He's so cute. Happy Birthday! Enjoy the teen years. They can be so much fun! Oh and for Valiant too Erin. LOL

  5. Melissa, Where is your blog? When I click on my name, it takes me to my blog, but when I click on yours, I go to your profile. I want to read your blog.. Pouts out lip.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oops...I typed it incorrectly:

    Melissa's blog is:

    P.S. We obviously cannot let the kids meet for a few more years! (Did I mention I'll have an 18-year old at the end of the month?)

  8. I have a 16 year old (17 in May) We are perfect for each other. LOL

  9. LADIES!!! the matchmaking can stop NOW! XD

    seriously though, I come to comment on how wonderful valiant is for his Bday and instead I find myself having to protect his virtue from you fiendish women... the humanity! lol

  10. N3, as if you have a say in it! His future, and yours, for that matter, are under our control...bwaahahaa!


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