Thursday, February 19, 2009

Everything is coming up DORKY!

What happens when you combine children who have access to your label maker and a husband with a wicked sense of humor? You get this:

A printer that has been identified as "I'm a dork" ....

...and a husband who ran with it and identified the printer with that name on the network!

Then, of course, you then get to hear things like, "Hey, is anything coming out of "I'm a Dork"?" or "I'm a Dork isn't working. Where's Dad?" or "Hold on, I need to go get it off I'm a Dork!"

No, Junior High never ended at our house!


  1. Ahhhemmmmmm...I see nothing wrong with the naming convention being used for our network printing....

  2. I love it!!!! I'm a dork. Ha ha ha ha

  3. You mean other people don't use immature - ahem - inventive names for their printers?

  4. Add about 30 more to that and you know what the average Jr. High teacher has to put up with. I swear those people are saints in bluejeans.

    And be thankful, that's far nicer than the names I used to call our old Satan filled printer. It would print fine unless I wanted to print something for church and then it would send out some kind of printer code. One cold Sunday morning I got up to print Sunday School stuff and it found itself sitting on the curb facing my backside as I went back into the warm house. It was one of those printer, copier, fax, I never seem to work machines. Went bought a printer. THat is all it does. I love it. I have never needed to send a fax, I have a nice scanner. I just want to hit print and it prints. If "I am a dork" does that, I say upgrade him to "I am a perfect dork." LOL

  5. Gens, I can't imagine teaching Jr. High...I'd be a crazy person. I'm a Dork doesn't scan or copy because I'm A Dork is a workhorse of a little laser printer. I have an Epson that does color copies and scanning and copying...but no faxing...

  6. FUNNY! We have stuff like that named and we don't think anything about it til we say it infront of someone.


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