Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eighteen Years Ago Today...

I became a mother. My world changed in ways I couldn't have imagined and wouldn't have believed. This boy helped me to become the woman I knew was there. I had two more children after this first born, but it is this child that made me a mother that rainy February day in 1991. Today that little baby is an adult by any measure. He's been an amazing child to have the privilege to raise. He caused me to stretch and reach to levels I didn't know existed and I am better for the experience. He moved into campus housing in September, and since he's been at the dorms, I've seen the man in him slowly emerge. His walk is different, the way he stands is different, and his confidence is growing by leaps and bounds. His path hasn't been an easy one, but I've never wavered in my faith that he would triumph. This is the boy who walked before he was 9 months old, carried on serious conversations when he was three, and graduated from high school and junior college 4 months after he turned 17. This boy-child of mine has been chomping at the bit to be an adult since he was twelve years old, when he informed me that he resented being "subordinate" to me. (Um, okay?) This child has been letting me know since the moment he was born that children are only on loan to us and whatever time we have with them is temporary and a blessing to be cherished. I've been preparing myself to let him fly away for so long, I'm glad to see that he's not wanting to fly too far too soon. Oh, I know it is coming...he's already planning to move overseas in another year and a half. I'm sure I'll cry, even as I pat him on the back and wish him Bon Voyage. For now, though, I want him to know: He's an amazing human being and I am proud to call him my son.

So, Happy 18th Birthday, Charming! We love you and are proud of you and know you're journey will be an exciting one.

And, because I know you're reading this, just make a note of this: The "old man" you call Dad had not yet turned 22 when I first met him. Yep, he was only 4 years older than you are now when he changed the history of the world by insulting me. Who knew how far those poorly chosen words would take us? As you feel hesitant or unsure, just remember, mistakes aren't always a bad thing and he hasn't always been Dad...he used to be a kid who said stupid things, too. The lesson here? Time flies...enjoy the ride!


  1. what an adorable picture and great post :). happy birthday Charming! *pinches cheekies*

  2. Oh, and I failed to mention that little baby is now 6'5"!

  3. Letting them go is the hardest part. One day I feel like I am pushing him out the door, another I am asking him to let me hold him a little longer. I really miss the little boy who would say "Momma, hold me."

    What I want to know is where did the time go?

  4. OMG, Erin! I can't believe it...they do grow up fast. I know you had a lump in your throat waking up today; I did with Devon. And, Aaron will drive this year. My, my...

    Jonathan - you have turned into the man I knew you would. I am so very proud of you. And, so is your mom. I've never seen anything so well written by a mom to her son. You really need to cherish those words.

    Love from SoCal!!!!


  5. Gens, if you find out, let me know!

    Kyle, Hi! Miss you! I was just thinking of you. I know...I still can't get over it...I did my crying, though, when I dropped him off in April for a scholarship competition at the hit me like a ton of bricks that he really was on his way and I WASN'T READY!

    Melissa, Buttercup took care of the cheek pinching for you!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a note...I always love to hear what you have to say!