Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, Monday, Jump and Run Day!

When my kids were little, there was a days of the week song that had "Monday, Monday, Jump and Run Day" and the kids and I still remember it...I like the idea of jumping right into the week.

Switching our dates to Monday morning helps both Superman and me start the week on the right track. (If I'm in my car in workout clothes and a parka and am not dissuaded by the fact that the temperature is reading -1 as I'm backing out of the driveway at 7:00 a.m., it must be love, right?)

Anyway, I was home by 8:30 a.m. and ready to start my day. Here it is 11:30 a.m. and the laundry is already done, a loaf of bread is on its final rise, the Red Fox has already put me through 45 minutes of working out (yes, 1 of my 5 I've committed to doing per week!), plants are watered (they're grateful), emails checked and answered, meat is thawing for dinner, the school day has begun and I'm posting on my blog. After lunch, I'll head down with the kids and we'll focus on the stuff they need me for until 3:00 or so and we'll be done with school. And there you have it, the recipe for an awesome day!

(I feel kind of like the old Army commercial that used to play all the time: "we do more by 6:00 a.m. than most people do in an entire day!") Like momstheword, I think the key to my days is getting an early start, no matter how much I don't like getting up early.

As for the rest of the week, I have the dinner menu set. I've decided to try something new...instead of specifically scheduling each day, I've asked Superman and the kids to each pick two suggestions for dinner and we'll spread them over the 7 day period. So, beginning today, these are on the menu for this week, with their tentative days:

Valiant's favorite gravy and rice with vegetables (Monday)

Lasagna with cheese bread (Tuesday)

Turkey Burgers with homemade french fries (Wednesday)

Pizza from scratch (Friday)

Garlic Cheddar Chicken (Sunday)

Mexican Night (Saturday)

Leftovers (Thursday)

Having all these dinners set in everyone's minds will help us from wanting to go out or running to go buy the stuff for some other meal. The kids and I are going to do the same thing for our breakfasts and lunches, too, so that should help us stay on track.

Finally, for anybody who's keeping count, I'm up to 10 Egg McMuffins in 2009. I think I should be embarrassed by that, but I just not. Last week really messed with my numbers, but I'm thinking I won't do so badly this week!


  1. *screams!* homemade pizza with a recipe! There are recipes all over the internet for a scratch pizza, but how are you to know they are any good? I trust that yours is good. You have good taste in food (although I'm going to put all my weight back on eating it lol). Now i need to go back and read your previous blogs from last year, that I didn't know about and find more recipes. I LOVE to cook from scratch, and the pizza I make is just OK. I would love to make a dough that actually has yeast in it and that pizza looks so yummy! The gravy rice and veggies sounds really good too. I wish I could make menu's for the entire week, but as soon as I do, i always say "i dont want that anymore" and make something else lol. so much for being organized lol. I'm procrastinating exercise. la la la la *sigh* it's one of those days... btw, if I haven't said it yet, every time you egg mcmuffin, take a bite for me!

  2. I am going to have to check out your pizza recipe and always want to check out that garlic cheddar chicken.

    I love egg mckmuffins too and sometimes my hubby will make them on a Saturday morning. I have often thought that we should make 'em and freeze 'em but then I'd eat more.

    Thanks for the linky love, my sweet friend! I am struggling thru my day....I feel lousy. Oh well, I'll hopefully feel better tomorrow!

  3. yahoo, some recipes, I am soo thrilled to see an organized person. maybe reading this will help me out a bit in that area. I tried your snickerdoodle muffins and had to snicker as my kids were snarfing them up, because I didn't make them with normal ingredients. well the powdered beans aren't that normal anyways, I put apple sauce in and only 1/2 cube of butter. I know gross, but I hadta try it. I also used honey and 1/2 whole wheat. They turned out pallatable a bit dry, but not bad, I think I would add a bit more nutmeg and honey and more cinnamon and raw sugar on top. wow that was a mouthful. I'm gonna write about this on my blog soon. love your blog, thanks

  4. Monday was busy for me too. #2 got her retainer. She had to be at the ortho at 8 am. (Is there an icon for horrified eyes.) It's about a 45 minute drive.

    So I got the shopping done, took my Bible School order and turned it in (Yeah me), got the kids to do some laundry, did our first gymnastics (they had a lot of fun, may not learn a thing, since she's there with her two best friends. That poor guy).

    Today I have to work and then home to fix supper and pray for snow. I know you don't want any, but we really need a snow day around here. ;) There's an ice storm headed our way, but we aren't supposed to get any. I just want enough to close schools for the day. LOL

    Tomorrow #1 goes back to the heart doctor. We should get the all clear tomorrow! Another busy week.
    On the food front, spaghetti tonight, barbecue chicken on Wednesday, Steak and fries on Thursday, Fish sticks on Friday and a scheduled eat out on Saturday. Not a bad week.

  5. da bunch - I keep waiting for that clarification for using dried beans in my breads and stuff...I'm obviously not understanding something!

    Generations - there should be an icon for horrified had to get a teenager in an ortho's office at 8:00 -- you are a saint! You can have all the snow you want! We got a sprinkling here today and I was fine with it!


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