Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gym is back in my life...

If you're following along, you know I've been mightily resisting starting up with Gym again. He's just so demanding! Well, I was weak and I couldn't hold out any longer. I saw Gym this morning, but I didn't go alone. No, when sweet Valiant saw me suited up and ready to go, he got on his running shoes and joined me as I confronted Gym. (Wasn't that nice of him? That's why I call him Valiant...he'll be at my side, ready to face down anything!) After some serious negotiating, I settled on 24 minutes on the LifeCycle and Valiant did the same on the treadmill. It's not much, but maybe it will keep Gym happy!


  1. Yaay! *claps hands* don't you feel great?! Gym may be a pain in the butt (literally) but he's so worth giving attention to in the end. :)

  2. I confess, I will be meeting Gym several times this week. However, two of those days I will be meeting Gym with the blessings and accompaniment of a few of my friends.

  3. I don't know if you're into awards but if you are, I have one for you!


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