Friday, January 30, 2009

Doesn't get much better than this... husband is out on the town tonight with a beautiful, brown-eyed blonde who has a bubbly personality and truly sparkling wit and I encouraged the date. I have to admit, I can see why he's smitten.

Father/Daughter Dance - January 30, 2009

P.S. Notice the flip flops...Who cares if it is 24 degrees out? You can take a girl out of Southern California, but you can't take Southern California out of the girl.


  1. Might as well let them go on dates, he was smitten with her years ago when he first laid eyes on her. ;) They do make a cute couple. Looks like they had fun. And hey, a little Me time for mom isn't bad either.

  2. Isn't that the truth? She is definitely a Daddy's Girl...she owns him and has since the moment he got to deliver her! She is currently teaching him Pat-a-cake and it hysterical to see this big giant man trying to play pat-a-cake...

    It's all good, though, because mothers and sons have that same bond...

  3. Reminds me of the time mom kept the kids for hubby and I to go to Atlanta for an anniversary. We'd been gone for two days and I had talked to the kids every time. But on the third day, I wasn't feeling well and Hubby called to talk to the kids. As soon as #2 heard his voice she started crying. Four hours and 15 minutes later, we were in mom's driveway getting the kids (it's a four hour drive in case you are wondering how long it took him to buckle.) But I don't care either. I am glad he loves his kids that much. Just seeing your two together shows me she's one lucky girl. My dad was like that. I was the luckiest little girl in the whole world. Children with relationships like that have an easier time finding God since they already know what a loving father is. Clark, you are my hero too!


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