Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Babies You've Been Praying For...

I'm sure you've noticed the two buttons I've placed on the right side of my blog, asking you to pray for two little babies. What you might not have realized is that clicking the buttons would take you to their mothers' blogs. Each of these babies was born in the last week (Baryden is 7 days old and Harper is 4 days old), and each is a first baby for their young parents who struggled with infertility before conceiving and each was born with unexpected life-threatening conditions. The call went out for desperately needed prayers and the response has been tremendous. I just wanted to let you know that both of these babies are improving and their parents are amazed by the outpouring of support they're receiving from strangers. If you want to read the latest on baby Harper, her current status can be found here. If you want to read about baby Brayden, his mom posted his one-week update here.

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