November? Already!? Where did October go? I know I felt pretty busy in October, but it wasn't until November arrived that I realized just how busy we'd all been. The weather changed, cars got repairs (heck, a car got stolen and found - Valiant's girlfriend's car, to be specific!), a room got painted, I made it to book club for the first time in months(!), dogs got sick, dogs got better, sprinklers got blown out in anticipation of the freeze, I even covered for a friend at her work so she could get some much needed time off. Obviously, I didn't take pictures of it all, but I did take some random photos:
I put up a few of my favorite Halloween decorations, but with no little kids at home, I didn't feel like going all out. I have three of these wrought iron spiders in various sizes and just love them...this is the smallest one:
I also put up our ping pong ball bats...they just make me smile whenever I see them.
Not bad for a ping pong ball and googly eyes!! |
I got some awesome bird feeders to replace the generic plastic ones I've had forever...and, as you can see by the picture I just took, the birds are fans and empty them quickly as they prepare for winter.
So pretty when they're being swarmed by birds... |
I even managed to get a new barbecue cover on Superman's barbecue before the three weeks of rain came...the leaves? They have to wait until tomorrow...I did the front yard today.
Ready for winter!! |
I did a lot of sewing. Some of it was sewing for my friend Cassi at
Piping and Pleats...and a c couple of the projects were incredibly large cushions. Seriously large. I had my sister in stitches on Skype watching me stuff the cushion below into its say it was stiff would be an understatement. I was wrestling the sucker into submission! Check out this before and after:
Just to give you an idea of how large this is: That cushion is lying across a couch and each of the
floor tiles visible in the before picture are 13x13" tiles. The cushion was large!! |
I finally pulled the trigger and bought some embroidery software to enable me to do more with the embroidery functions on the Brother SE400 my family bought me four years ago. I went with Sew What Pro for $65 because I don't even know what I don't know, so I couldn't see a reason to spend more on Embrilliance. At some point, I might switch over, but for now, I'll see how it goes.
I love binding PDF documents - software instructions, pattern instructions...binding
makes them so easy to use. They lay flat when they're open for reference during a project. |
After quite a bit of trial and error, I decided to go for it and embellished a couple of toddler sized Halloween t-shirts for Aunt S's baby first time embroidering something other than names on anything and my first time embroidering on clothing. It wasn't easy, but I was pretty pleased with the results. (Plus, toddlers aren't perfectionists!!)
Ruined Cash's first shirt, otherwise both would have been and learn... |
In the middle of it all, I had a birthday and Superman and Charming got together to get me these:
Who doesn't love red Vans? |
Oh, and my sister requested some Halloween pillowcases made from some of the most fabulous fabric...the pictures she sent me didn't do it soon as the fabric arrived, I was itching to get the pillowcases made and shipped off to her. They were such a fun project! (And it's really awesome when your family likes what you sew enough to ask for more!)
Best fabric ever!! (It reminds me of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.) |
And, as October wound down, Buttercup and I helped close down our beloved CrossFit 509. It has been our gym home for five and a half years and I was heartbroken when the owner had to make the difficult decision to close it down. Still, when you're lucky enough to have your gym become part of your family, you help with even the sad stuff. When all the equipment is gone, you're just left with just a sad shell of a building...very sad and weird and all of that...even Honey was bummed...
I had to chuckle at the scuff marks above the blue stripe...wall ball marks! Bahaha! |
We finished off October by going to dinner on the kids got too old for trick or treating, we started a new tradition...this is our 6th year doing it...PF Changs was pretty tasty.
There you go...some of the stuff that went on in the Nagle5 world in October. Now I'm ready...let November roll on in!!