Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Photo Flashback

Well, I didn't forget, but I really wasn't prepared for it, so I'm place catch-up. It is Friday Photo Flashback time. Alicia asks us to head back to our pre-digital camera days and find photos to share.

In honor of Fall and because I'm feeling nostalgic, I'm going to go back into the not-too-distant past...our first months in the Pacific Northwest. We took the kids pumpkin picking (and didn't swelter in 100+ was actually fun!). Charming didn't want to go with us...he was already becoming "too old" for "kid stuff". Still these pictures show me just how much time has already gone by, even though it has only been four years. (Seriously: Buttercup still had her baby teeth when we moved here!)
Buttercup always picked "cute" pumpkins. Doesn't she have that, "Please, Mommy, can we keep it?" look on her face in this one?

Have I mentioned that I love where I live? Truly, I feel so blessed to have landed here.


More Than Words said...

I can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch soon!!

Those pictures are adorable!! Love her pout! Such a girl, huh?

momstheword said...

Yes she does! What cute pictures. Brings back memories of our trips to the pumpkin patch!

Stephanie said...

Isn't it amazing how much of a difference just a couple of years make when you have kids. They change so much it's unbelievable. Love her face in the she got that pumpkin :)

Sheila said...

Oh, with a face like that, I'd be in trouble - always giving her whatever it was she wanted!

Bogie said...

such a cute girl.

wrigley said...

nice photos!

Beth in NC said...

Oh yeah, she has the look! I love the pictures.


Chell said...

We picked up some of our pumpkins today! The pics are totally cute!

Veronica Lee said...

I love those pics!!

My pics of Sea World were actually inspired by yours!!!

THanks!! This is great fun.
Have a wonderful weekend, FF buddy!!

Erin said... does make you realize just how much time has passed when you look at pictures like this. As for Buttercup, we've struggled not to spoil her. She's our baby of the family and a little girl after two boys. The temptation began when I first started shopping for her clothes!

Laurencita said...

What a nice photo. Oh! Buttercup is so cute.

Laureen said...

A beautiful photo with a nice background. Thanks for sharing.

Tootsie said...

your family is awesome...and so beautiful!

LivingforGod said...

Great pictures! I love your daughter's facial expression. Who can resist that face, huh? :)

Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a blessed weekend, Erin!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Great photos and I know that look as I have a girl too!
Love Collette xxx

Darcie said...

What perfect pictures to Flashback to this time of year! I love all things fall, and what great pictures to share!

Have a great weekend.

Jena Webber said...

Great looking family. I love the name: Buttercup! Sweetness! Is that your husband, I thought it was: Tom Cruise. Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

I love going to the pumpkin patch with Fig, but lets face it, it is so much more fun with kids around. I can feel the fall air nipping at the kids as they pick their favorites, and Buttercup has definitely perfected "the look" by this point.

Susan Cook said...

Cute pictures. She does have that, can I have it Mom look on her face. Thanks for sharing.

Mamí♥Picture said...

Great Picture! Love your baby expression on the last one, so SWEET!