Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fertilizer Friday

Okay, so we're supposed to be showing off stuff from our garden or our indoor plants for Fertilizer Friday, but I just couldn't resist showing off the lovely bouquet my sweet SIL and brother sent me for my birthday Tuesday.

This is what it looked like the day it arrived. Isn't it pretty?

But look at what the roses looked like Thursday evening: Aren't they fantastic? I wish you could see them in "real life" They are just so pretty with the red edging out the yellow and the pure white roses slowly opening.

So, this is my entry for Fertilizer Friday. I know I didn't do any of the work myself, but it my flowers sure are gorgeous this week. Head over to Tootsie's to see everyone else's flowers and gardens and the like.


deb said...

Well first of all, Happy Belated Birthday!!! So sweet of them to send you such a lovely bouquet! Hope they last really long so you can enjoy them more. Have a great weekend!

Darla said...

That is so post worthy!!! Beautiful..

Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday. That bouquet is beautiful. The flowers still look great even after a few days.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

What a pretty bouquet! Happy Birthday :)

Anonymous said...

I love those flame colored roses. As you know, I'm not a huge rose person, but the really unique ones like these, are to die for. So cool. Love the bouquet. That reminds me I haven't had flowers in my house for quite some time, and now is when I need them most. Perhaps a trip to the florist is in order.

Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY again... Your month isn't over yet.

Andrea said...

WOW..the flowers are gorgeous.

Blessings, andrea

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Hoping you had a wonderful birthday and the roses are gorgeous!!!

Tootsie said...

now that's the spirit!!! flaunt your flowers! lol
I think I may have missed your I'm on my knees groveling!!! I hope you had a great day...thanks for linkng in sunshine!